Physical Pillar - Tissue Release
About Lesson

In just 5 minutes, release tight knots to alleviate long-term tightness, pain, or asymmetries.  Restore your resiliency by releasing fascia.

IT Band:  For many people, this is the tightest area on their entire bodies.  By releasing the IT Band, many people report a reduction in knee or hip pain, as well as greater ease with running, biking, etc.

Thoracic:  It’s amazing how tight our backs get by constantly navigating the world that lives in front of us.  By releasing tight muscle tissue and fascia in the mid-back, it’s like providing a breath of fresh air to your entire spine.  And when your spine moves in a more balanced way, quality of life improves.

Lats:  Release your lats and experience a profound effect that wraps around to your front.  Through this simple fascial release exercise, you are unbinding the fascia that attaches between your lats and surrounding muscles, ligaments, and bones.  People often report a reduction in pain in their shoulders, necks, mid-backs, low backs, and even sometimes hips; plus, improved strength throughout their upper bodies.

Calves (tennis ball):  Tight calves lead to a change in walking posture.  And since you take so many steps in a day, this is important.  Be sure to take the time to release any knots in your calves to care for all of the joints that lie above, as well as improve strength throughout your lower body.  Releasing tight calves also takes pressure off of the sciatic nerve, which is an added benefit.

Plantar fascia (bottom of foot/golf ball):  Plantar fascia — or the arches in your feet — are the same tissue as your IT Bands (if you look at them under a microscope).  This means that people who have tight IT Bands for long enough tend to develop tight plantar fascia, and vice versa.  In addition to this exercise, consider releasing your IT Bands as a focal point.  Also, be sure your shoes fit well so your arch is neither compressed or flattened while wearing shoes.