
How To Give To GTS Academy:

GTS Academy — or God Training School — is a 100% FREE online educational curriculum being provided to the whole world, independent of race, religion, beliefs, or circumstances. We hope you find great value in GTS Academy. If you feel called to contribute, please select a fund to help and click the ‘Give Now’ button below.

Select a fund:

GTS Academy // School Offerings

Secure Donation

New Courses &/or Instructors

Secure Donation

Humanitarian Aid

Secure Donation

Alpha Omega House (physical location for GTS Academy)

Secure Donation

Books, DVD’s, Workshops:

Secure Donation

Retreats // In-Person Gatherings

Secure Donation


GTS Academy // School Offerings
GTS Academy is a school for God. This means that we work together to “listen” to God, do what God says, and welcome feedback so we can serve the Lord as the Lord seeks that we do. If you are interested in supporting the growth of this school, please give in this category.
New Courses &/or Instructors
Instructors each present a different viewpoint and teach their own way. Future course ideas include: financial health, prophecy, speaking in tongues, healings, gardening, etc. By giving in this category, you are supporting growth in this way.
Humanitarian Aid
Together, we can help the poor, hungry, and disadvantaged. Give in this category to have your funds used to give to others.
Alpha Omega House
(physical location for GTS Academy)
This will be the first physical location of GTS Academy, in Sedona, Arizona. By giving in this category you are supporting in-person connections, so we can gather and listen to God together.
Books, DVD’s, Workshops
God Gifts Love is the first example, and there will be more. By giving in this category, you are showing your interest and support in future books, dvd’s, workshops, and related materials.
Retreats // In-Person Gatherings
Transformation best takes place in-person. By giving in this category, you are supporting others who are looking to experience spiritual transformation, quickly.