Physical Pillar - Amputation or Loss of Use
About Lesson

Your brain remembers your limb even when it’s no longer there.  So, take time to also remember and appreciate your limb, even when it is not there.  Instead of allowing the pathways to become painful and experiencing ghost pain, redraw the maps and imagine in your mind’s eye scratching this body part if you have an itch, lifting it into the air if it needs to be elevated, or icing it/submerging it in water if feels acutely swollen and painful.  You can also pound on your stump, rub it, or tickle it for relief, following the nerve tracks upward and into the spine.  For example, all lower body limb loss correlates with nerves in the sacrum and lumbar spine.  All upper body limb loss correlates with nerves in the cervical spine.  And by rubbing the area of the nerve root lightly, you can often interfere with a pain signal before it reaches your stump or amputated limb.